Family Crest

Heraldry and armory is a hereditary system of employing symbols upon a shield that becomes associated with particular families. In this tradition which was developed during the 11th century in the Christian world, a coat of arms has been developed during with symbols that represent significant forces which have been important in the life of our African-American Family.


The first quadrant of the shield represents our ancestral home. The clasped hands are symbols of the togetherness that many of our family members have enjoyed through the years. Cotton was the staple which our people farmed. In its many forms, it provided both income and sustenance for survival. The Final quadrant depicts the blazing heat of sun the bore down on the backs of our family members.


Heraldic colors are strong. Therefore, purple of deep red color was selected to represent the Blood of Jesus Christ, and white was selected to represent Faith. For Christ shed his blood that he might live, and by faith we have come thus far. The Cross-sets our total belief in Christ at the center of the shield.